1 oz PROOF - 2020 Life *Conscientia*

1 oz PROOF - 2020 Life *Conscientia*

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We pass into this material world with the birth of life.
Each of us has a divine purpose to release our special gifts, talents and passions into the world.
To love this life and all the abundance and possibilities it can offer.
Sadly this divine inner power gets hijacked by the illusionary maya of the outside world.
Shiny object here and there trying to fill the hole in your soul.
At any point you choose you can recast your tale of being a victim of life to

becoming a creator of life.

The choice is made between love and fear.
Fear is the language of the Ego.
Love is the operating system of our reality.
Our second life starts when we crucify our egos and the limitations it only offers.
A second more conscious life starts when you operate every thought and action from a place of love.
You then see that nothing is permanent and it is only our job to be content with the ever present now.
We just need to pour as much love into that moment, to do our small part of making this Earth and Heaven.

COA's #318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418 available

Total Mintage 421