Collection: La Muerte De Dolar

The tenth issuance from the “Death of the Dollar” series is the round titled, “La Muerte de Dollar”.

The United States has a horrible track record of intervention in Central and South America. This interference began with the racist and Hegemonic Monroe Doctrine.

Over throwing governments, stealing natural resources, corporate power

plays, assassinations, coups and drug running has permanently scarred the beautiful and bountiful lands south of the border.

The very reason why we have an illegal immigrant problem here is as a direct result of America destroying the fabric of life there, for Debt and Death.

The “Death of the Dollar” series illuminates the nations that would actually benefit from the Death of the Dollar. And the series proposes that the United States would then no longer have the unlimited funds, and arrogance, to dictate the direction of the lives of others around the world.

Chris Duane has used the Mexican Day of the Dead motif to show a young girl observing the “Death of the Dollar”.

3 products